Our dog hotel has been operating since 1998 and is based on the principle that your pet is a valuable member of your family and deserves the best possible care. We consider it honor to be en trusted with your four-legged companions and we make every effort to maintain health, psychology, physical condition and appearance of your dog at high level. The owner’s satisfaction after a pleasant stay in our dog hotel us, is for us moral reward.
Our facilities have been entirely built for the accommodation and hospitality of dogs based on particularly demanding standards of the European Union. The rooms are especially comfortable and safe for dogs that are hosted. Every dog enjoys a strictly personal inner quarter that has dimensions of 3 x 2,5 x 3 meters and the outdoor courtyard with dimensions 3 x 2,5 meters. It is our belief that dogs, even those who are accustomed to coexist with other dogs, in the event of changing their environment should have their own exclusive territory to avoid any violent incidents. The inner rooms have heating and in particular cases we can provide personalized heat device directly. While the summer there is an ecological air conditioning system. We have also placed special lighting to prevent mosquitoes and gnats. The courtyards are especially designed to allow easy cleaning without disturbing the dog. We have even anticipated extreme weather conditions such heavy snow, intense flooding, we have built the facilities in elevated field which has the distance of 60 cm from the ground.
Realizing fully the need the dogs have for daily walking, exercising and relieving themselves, we have developed a green area of 2,000 square meters specifically for this reason. Twice a day, usually in the morning and in the afternoon has the chance to channel their energy however they feel like and always under our supervision.
Since the change of the environment creates escaping tendencies to many dogs, our facilities have separate security doors dividing every sector as well as central doors making escaping impossible. The enclosure wall is over three meters and our staff is present 24 hours a day. While for dogs that have special temperament we have specially designed high-security spaces.
Nutrition plays a major role in dog’s health and psychology, that is why we give we give your dog the chance to choose between dry food, canned food and cooked chicken with rice. We also take care of your dog’s everyday looks with daily brushing and grooming.
Our facilities are regularly cleaned regularly during the day and immediately after every guest’s departure, the rooms are sterilized to be in excellent condition for the next dog. We provide full protection against parasites, while your dog is in our facilities with constant decontaminations as well as the application of specific medicine for each dog individually. Our hotel is visited in a daily basis by experienced veterinarians whom we co work while in case we realize something disturbing we immediately inform you and the attending vet who observes your dog.
Our staff has been chosen with strict criteria, focusing on love, respect, consistency and proper behavior to animals. We have experienced staff that lives permanently on Lazaros Kennel’s facilities in order to be able to control the dog’s health and behavior in 24 hours a day. Actually many dogs which are hosted, bond with them and feel at home every time they visit us.